
What does a blended family coach / stepparent coach do ?

Just like a coach for business or sports, I will help you grow by analyzing your current situation and possible challenges or frustrations. We will work together to put an action plan in place using your unique situation and research based evidence that will help you work towards the goals and outcomes that you desire for your family.


Will this still benefit me if my partner does not want to be involved?

The short answer is yes! (And it's actually what I recommend). Even if only one partner wants to participate, you will still be able to see lots of growth and gain a lot of understanding. You’re encouraged to discuss what you learn and share it with your partner outside of our sessions.


We are doing pretty well as a blended family, will this still benefit us?

Coaching is for anyone who wants to improve performance! If I’m a decent athlete but want to perform even better, then I’d get a coach. The same is true for your family. You may be coping but can see potential for improvement or would like to strengthen certain aspects of it, then coaching is a great fit for you! One great option for those who are currently doing well is The Studio community.


What if I'm still unsure?

If you aren't sure if it's a good fit, let's hop on a no-obligations Clarity Call! I'd love to get to know more about your specific circumstances and discuss your desires for your family.


How long will I need to commit to working with you?

Best results are seen with consistent efforts, so my 1:1 clients commit to a minimum of 3 months. I'm happy to meet longer than that if you would like the support after our agreement expires.


What are your qualifications?

On top of my life experience as a step mom, adoptive mom, and biological mom, I am a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Stepparent Coach, have a somatic healing certification, and have a B.S. in Education.

I received my training as a Certified Professional Life Coach through Utah Valley University where the IAPRC Code of Ethics, ICF Core Competencies, and other recognized coaching concepts were taught. In addition, I received my training as a Stepparent Coach certification with Jenna Korf through My somatic healing training was through My Vinyasa Practice and is IAYT accredited. My education degree is through Utah State University.


How often would we meet?

I typically meet with my 1:1 clients via Zoom twice a month for about 45 minutes and check in with them on the off weeks.


What packages do you offer?

We have an amazing community, The Studio, that is a fantastic resource at an affordable rate. I also offer 1:1 coaching packages, I'd be happy to hop on a free Clarity Call to talk about current offers and see which option would be the best fit for you.

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